Publicacións en colaboración con investigadores/as de Tecnalia (7)


  1. Requirements for a behaviour pattern based assistant for early detection and management of neurodegenerative diseases

    2011 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops, PervasiveHealth 2011

  2. Supporting diagnostic decision for early detection of a neurodegenerative disease on a behavioural altered pattern basis

    Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2011, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2011, MCCSIS 2011


  1. Affective Robotics for assisting elderly people

    Assistive Technology Research Series

  2. Embedded system used for classifying motor activities of elderly and disabled people

    Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 57, Núm. 1, pp. 419-432

  3. User-centred physiological emotion detection for assistive technology

    Assistive Technology Research Series


  1. A specific neural network used on a portable system for classifying activities in ambulatory monitoring

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology