Publicacións en colaboración con investigadores/as de University of Iowa (5)


  1. Object drop in L3 acquisition

    International Journal of Bilingualism, Vol. 19, Núm. 5, pp. 483-498


  1. Whether to Teach and How to Teach Complex Linguistic Structures in a Second Language

    Educational Linguistics (Springer Science+Business Media B.V.), pp. 187-205


  1. Investigating tasks in formal language learning

    Channel View Publications, pp. 1-267


  1. Finiteness in parasitic gap constructions in Romance and English

    Issues and theory in romance linguistics : selected papers from the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (23rd. 1993. Northern Illinois University)

  2. Finiteness in romance vs. english parasitic gap constructions

    Issues and theory in romance linguistics: selected papers from the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages XXIII, April 1-4, 1993