Publicacións nas que colabora con José María Asúa González (12)


  1. The role of non-covalent interactions in the self-healing mechanism of disulfide-based polymers

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 19, Núm. 28, pp. 18461-18470


  1. Design of new disulfide-based organic compounds for the improvement of self-healing materials

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 18, Núm. 3, pp. 1758-1770

  2. On the Termination Mechanism in the Radical Polymerization of Acrylates

    Macromolecular rapid communications, Vol. 37, Núm. 16, pp. 1364-1368

  3. Transient mechanochromism in epoxy vitrimer composites containing aromatic disulfide crosslinks

    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 4, Núm. 26, pp. 6220-6223


  1. Synthesis of cationic polyelectrolytes by inverse microemulsion polymerization

    Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Vol. 30, Núm. 23, pp. 2036-2041