Eskola porrota hizkuntzen irakaskuntzanmotibazioaren azterketa hizkuntzen ebaluazioan irakasleen ikuspegitik

  1. Endika Ibarguren
  2. Mari Mar Boillos
Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica

ISSN: 1988-5911

Ano de publicación: 2024

Número: 33

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Ikastorratza, e-Revista de didáctica


This work examines the correlation of motivation, as a main cause of academic failure and an important concept behind the aforementioned group of reasons. Likewise, and since this has been carried out in a multilingual context, the purpose of this study is also to examine whether there are differences in the evaluation of the different languages, that is, assigning a numerical grade according to their linguistic abilities - deriving academic failure from grades and said grades from evaluations. To this end, a qualitative study involved nine teachers from one school. The participating teachers teach different languages, thus following the multilingual path of this research. Although this study has examined the undeniable presence of motivation, the study has shown that other major concepts are more considerable to withstand as the main causes of academic failure. Similarly, research data has been demonstrated that multilingualism does not differ in the evaluation of different languages, so assessment and qualifications are equally given in various languages. As a result, the study has observed a low impact of motivation compared to the importance of other major reasons, as well as the fact that evaluation between languages does not perceive any differences regardless of the evaluated language.