Prioritization of barriers that hinders Local Flexibility Market proliferation

  1. Salabarrieta, Koldo 1
  2. E.Borges, Cruz 1
  3. Casado-Mansilla, Diego 1
  4. Kapassa, Evgenia 2
  5. Preßmair, Guntram 3
  6. López-De-Ipiña, Diego 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España


  2. 2 University of Nicosia

    University of Nicosia

    Nicosia, Chipre


  3. 3 E7 energy innovation & engineering

Editor: Zenodo

Ano de publicación: 2020

Tipo: Dataset


This dataset contains the prioritization provided by a panel of 15 experts to a set of 28 barriers categories for 8 different roles of the future energy system. A Delphi method was followed and the scores provided in the three rounds carried out are included. The dataset also contains the scripts used to assess the results and the output of this assessment. A list of the information contained in this file is: <strong>data folder</strong>: this folders includes the scores given by the 15 experts in the 3 rounds. Every round is in an individual folder. There is a file per expert that has the scores between -5 (not relevant at all) to 5 (completely relevant) per barrier (rows) and actor (columns). There is also a file with the description of the experts in terms of their position in the company, the type of company and the country. <strong>fig folder</strong>: this folder includes the figures created to assess the information provided by the experts. For each round, the following figures are created (in each respective folder): Boxplot with the distribution of scores per barriers and roles. Heatmap with the mean scores per barriers and roles. Boxplots with the comparison of the different distributions provided by the experts of each group (depending on the keywords) per barrier and role. Heatmap with the mean score per barrier and use case and with the prioritization per barrier and use case. Finally, bar plots with the mean scores differences between rounds and boxplot with comparisons of the scores distributions are also provided. <strong>stat folder</strong>: this folder includes the files with the results of the different statistical assessment carried out. For each round, the following figures are created (in each respective folder): The statistics used to assess the scores (Intraclass correlation coefficient, Inter-rater agreement, Inter-rater agreement p-value, Homogeneity of Variances, Average interquartile range, Standard Deviation of interquartile ranges, Friedman test p-value Average power post hoc) per barrier and per role. The results of the post hoc of the Friedman Test per berries and per roles. The average score per barrier and per role. The mean value of the scores provided by the experts grouped by the keywords per barrier and role. P-value of the comparison of these two values. The end prioritization of the barrier for the use case (averaging the scores or merging the critical sets) Finally, the differences between the mean and standard deviations of the scores between two consecutive rounds are provided.