Zooplankton biomass during the Malaspina Cruise

  1. Hernández-León, Santiago
  2. Bode, Antonio
  3. Irigoien, Xabier
  4. Echevarría, Fidel
  5. Fernández de Puelles, Maria Luz
  6. González-Gordillo, Ignacio
  7. Acuña, José Luis

Éditeur: PANGAEA

Année de publication: 2020

Type: Dataset


Carbon export (from the epipelagic towards the mesopelagic zone) and sequestration (from the mesopelagic towards the bathypelagic zone) in the ocean are reviewed. Particulate organic carbon (POC) flux, and active flux due to migrant zooplankton and micronekton are shown from the epipelagic to the mesopelagic zone, and from the latter to the bathypelagic zone. Values towards the meso- and bathypelagic zones are compared in oligotrophic and productive systems. Zooplankton and prokaryote respiration in the meso- and bathypelagic zones of the ocean are also reviewed for oligotrophic and productive systems. Values were integrated over a depth layer and are given as the flux or respiration under one square meter (in g/m**2/a) between e.g. 100 m and 1000 m depth.

Références bibliographiques

  • 10.1594/pangaea.919314
  • 10.1594/pangaea.922619
  • 10.1594/pangaea.923832
  • 10.1594/pangaea.923149
  • 10.1038/s41467-020-19875-7