Imaginarios de ocio y su relación con el desarrollo humano en profesores de una institución de educación superior en Colombia

  1. Luz Angela Ardila Gutiérrez
  2. Aurora Madariaga Ortuzar
Imagonautas: revista Interdisciplinaria sobre imaginarios sociales

ISSN: 0719-0166

Année de publication: 2023

Volumen: 12

Número: 18

Pages: 30-53

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Imagonautas: revista Interdisciplinaria sobre imaginarios sociales


Leisure is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been examined from different perspectives. Research on leisure raises fundamental questions about societies, including its impact on health, quality of life, economy, and social and cultural structures. In the context of Latin America, the concept of leisure has been constructed under prejudicial senses and connotations and negative meanings, the result of civilizing intervention processes that have generated discourses and forms of knowledge that affected its understanding (Elizalde and Gomes, 2009a and Tabares, 2011). This way of understanding leisure is related to the traditionally accepted reduced and dichotomous vision that gives work a central place and reduces leisure to an instrument for rest. As Elias and Dunning (1992) state from sociological theory, an adequate analysis of leisure is only possible if these limitations are overcome and it is approached in a comprehensive manner (p. 27).Therefore, this study proposed to investigate the imaginaries of leisure and its relationship with human development in professors of a higher education institution in Colombia. This research is based on a phenomenological approach (Baeza, 2011; Cegarra, 2011). It is exploratory in nature, in that it seeks to obtain an overview and understand the nature of the subject of study (Hernández-Sampieri and Mendoza, 2020). In methodological terms, a mixed process of information collection was developed, for which two samples of teachers were used. The first, intended for the application of a questionnaire and the second, for the development of interviews (Otzen and Manterola, 2017). The treatment of the information collected was done through an exploratory data analysis for the questionnaire (Huber and Gento, 2018) and a hermeneutic process for the corpus derived from the interviews (Baeza, 2022).The approach to social imaginaries was done following the approach developed by Baeza (2022) on hermeneutics and social imaginaries, which offers an epistemological basis congruent with the research objectives, as it is oriented to the identification of discursive meanings that influence people’s actions and judgments (Cegarra, 2011; Baeza, 2011). This epistemological proposal allowed the understanding of leisure imaginaries within the framework of four planes of reality. These were interpreted to analyze the reality of leisure as ideational plane (thoughts about leisure), underlying plane (emotions associated with leisure), apparent plane (leisure practices) and, finally, the archetypal plane, from which leisure imaginaries are concretized. The results correspond to an interpretative proposal of leisure imaginaries, so it is important to keep in mind that it is based on the analysis of the data and stories collected in this research, but there is always the possibility of deepening and discovering new perspectives regarding leisure imaginaries both in this group of teachers and in other populations.