Actitud de las Autoridades Educativas Privadas en el uso de plataforma web

  1. Juan Carlos Hernández
  2. Pedro Manuel Martínez Monje
Proceedings of Ikasnabar 2015, 8th International Conference on Open Education and Technology
  1. Palazio, Gorka Jakobe (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua = Servicio Editorial, D.L. 2015

ISBN: 978-84-9082-283-8

Any de publicació: 2015

Pàgines: 84-108

Congrés: Ikasnabar (8. 2015. Leioa)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


The proliferation of private schools in the country has been objective and statistically impressive. In 1961 the number of private schools in the Dominican Republic not exceeded two dozen. By the year 2000 there were at least 2,500 private schools in the country. That outbreak began from the 1970s. This since the public school system is failing both on the quality of learning outcomes achieved, as for its poor coverage. The typical Dominican College, in statistical terms, educating the poor, not the rich or the medium. (Murray 2005). The administrative and academic management of these centers becomes often unsustainable by the number of problems caused by the existing weaknesses. Seeping in these institutions in various forms of how solve them, one of them has been the inclusion of technologies of information and communication (ICT). The education sector has found in these technologies an excellent means to break with the geographical and temporal constraints involving traditional schemes of teaching and learning, revolutionizing and changing at the same time, the concept of distance education. Their adoption and use have been broad, which has allowed a development fast and consistent in that the Web has to been taking different forms within the educational process (García 2013). Many schools have won space and solved many problems with just include processes to distances and through the web, innovate its educational environments, speeding up response time and creating a simpler management. On the other hand, there is a large percentage of Directors of private schools that have not taken the step technology, limiting the advances of their institutions. In this sense our research be developed to determine the attitudes of school leadership in the web-based platform used for academic and administrative processes.