Arnasketa eta bihotz-maiztasunaren monitorizazioaburmuineko oximetria seinaleak erabiliz

  1. Isasi, Iraia
  2. Irusta, Unai
  3. Aramendi, Elisabete
II. Ikergazte nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz: Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma.
  1. Iñaki Alegria (ed. lit.)
  2. Ainhoa Latatu (ed. lit.)
  3. Miren Josu Omaetxebarria (ed. lit.)
  4. Patxi Salaberri (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano

ISBN: 978-84-8438-627-8 978-84-8438-632-2

Any de publicació: 2017

Títol del volum: Ingenieritza eta Arkitektura

Tom: 5

Volum: 5

Pàgines: 83-90

Congrés: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (2. 2017. Iruñea)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (NIRS) is used to measure brain oxigen saturation, and measurements are taken every 2-4 s. Measuring brain oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) concentration at higher sampling rates may allow monitoring cardiac and respiration rates. A total of 39 subjects were enrolled in 40 min recording sessions in which NIRS sensors located in the forehead were used to acquire O2Hb signals at a sampling rate of 50 Hz. Algorithms were developed to automatically detect heart beats, and cardiac and respiration rates. This study showed that NIRS technology can be applied to accurately monitor cardiac and respiratory rates.