Euskal pilotako kirol-jokoaktradizioa eta modernitatearen artean

  1. Oidui Usabiaga Arruabarrena
Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía

ISSN: 0210-7732

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 57

Seiten: 51-67

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía


According to Joseba Etxebeste (2001), when we understand the meanings of Basque jokoa and jolasa, we will be able to know the process of constructing the thinking of Basque citizens. In the Basque Country, a variety of jokoa and jolasa have been practiced and among them the presence of pilota games has been evident. What kind of importance do these Basque pilota sports-games have in Basque culture and how have they evolved in recent years? Through this article, we want to analyse how the identity of Basque pilota sports-games has been structured, emphasizing the relationship between tradition and modernity. To analyse the evolution of these pilota games and how they are felt and understood by current and past Basque society, the contributions of Pierre Parlebas will be taken as a basis.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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