Prevalencia de problemas de salud mental en estudiantes universitarios del sur del perú

  1. Ernesto Cazorla-Pérez 1
  2. Jonathan Zegarra-Valdivia 2
  3. Fabiola Soto-Zuñiga 1
  4. Roxana Castillo-Acobo 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú
  2. 2 Universidad Señor de Sipán, Chiclayo, Perú.
Cuadernos de Neuropsicología

ISSN: 0718-4123

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Ausgabe: 17

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 50-57

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Cuadernos de Neuropsicología


Introduction: The increase in the incidence and prevalence of mental disorders in the university context is worrying, in addition to the tasks, demands and challenges of the educational system. Objective: To know the prevalence of psychopathological symptoms in university students. Method: 3831 adolescents and young adults, students from a public university in southern Peru, aged between 18 and 25 years, were evaluated. The study takes two phases: the first sampling phase, including a population of 26087 participants with a confidence level of 99%, and a margin of error of 2%. In this second phase, the random evaluation of 3821 subjects was carried out. The instruments used were the List of brief symptoms (LSB-50) and the Inventory of Anxiety Situations and Responses (ISRA). Results: Both tests showed significant differences in a variety of clinical subscales (p <0.05), women display moderate levels of depression, obsessioncompulsion, anxiety, and others. Besides, men show greater psychoreactivity and hostility. On the other hand, subjects younger than 23 years subject’s greater presence of psychopathology. Conclusion: The results show differences by sex and age. The early identification of psychopathological symptoms not only reduces the possibility of academic failure, but also substantially reduces other health risk behaviors, by promoting the well-being of university students.

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