Una inclusión selectivael caso de las enfermedades raras

  1. Gaintza Jauregi, Zuriñe 1
  2. Álvarez-Rementería Álvarez, María 1
  3. Waitoller, Federico R. 2
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España
  2. 2 The University of Illinois at Chicago, EE.UU
Educatio siglo XXI: Revista de la Facultad de Educación

ISSN: 1989-466X 1699-2105

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Titel der Ausgabe: Inclusión Educativa del alumnado con Enfermedades Raras

Ausgabe: 41

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 11-30

Art: Artikel


Andere Publikationen in: Educatio siglo XXI: Revista de la Facultad de Educación

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


Inclusive education has flooded the educational discourse in recent decades. This reality has been driven by different milestones, initially originating from social demands in defense of the recognition of historically excluded groups, and moving on to international commitments such as the Salamanca Declaration of 1994 or the 2030 Agenda, and legislative reforms at different national levels. Despite these initiatives, inclusive education has been transformed into selective education, leaving aside students with the most significant socio-sanitary educational needs. From this critical stance and using an intersectional conception of inclusive education, this article seeks to shed light on the educational response to an unknown and invisible group for which there is hardly any literature in the field of education: students with Rare Diseases (RD). The essay focuses on the pillars that support the enabling structures of the ordinary classroom and that contribute to the exclusion of this group: educational policies, the configuration of the ordinary classroom, educational practices and teacher training. We conclude with some recommendations for promoting the inclusion of learners with RAD.

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