Análisis de las percepciones de las personas trabajadoras de mano de obra directa e indirecta sobre la participación y las prácticas de gestión de personas. Estudio de caso de la cooperativa UAS

  1. Arregui Uzuriaga, Aitziber
Dirixida por:
  1. Mónica Gago García Director
  2. Maite Legarra Eizagirre Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 27 de xuño de 2022

  1. Carmen Marcuello Servós Presidente/a
  2. Saioa Arando Lasagabaster Secretario/a
  3. Marta Enciso Santocildes Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 735773 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


People are in the center of organizations and even more in the modern and global economy, where markets are becoming increasingly competitive and dynamic. Taking the worker into account, involving them in the projects, and integrating them into the business strategy is extremely important in order to obtain greater organizational performance. For this reason, attempts are being made to move towards more participatory models and the function and role of people management department is changing and gaining greater importance as its function has become strategic. Under this umbrella, a case study has been carried out in ULMA Architectural Solutions, an industrial cooperative belonging to MONDRAGON, which has contributed to developing the three empirical studies that compose this dissertation. Quantitative and qualitative research approaches have been used, collecting pieces of evidence at three different time points and using different data collection techniques. In this regard, each of the studies embodies its own objectives. The first objective is to examine perceptions of organizational atmosphere and joint ownership in a firm in which capital ownership is broadly shared among members of its workforce. The second objective is to analyze the perceptions of the workers on the people management practices carried out in the cooperative. Finally, the objective of the third study is twofold. It analyzes, on the one hand, how COVID-19 has affected employees’ perceptions of their participation in decision making and how governance and communication channels have been adapted to satisfy the new needs arising out of the current situation and, on the other hand, it analyzes how COVID-19 has had an effect on psychological outcomes and the emotions experienced by employees during this period. Taking into account the importance of distinguishing between perceptions of blue-collar workers and white-collar workers, special attention has been paid to these groups in the three investigations. The main conclusions affirm that blue-collar and white-collar workers perceive participation in decision-making and people management practices differently. Hence, the importance of adapting these work contexts to the needs of the two groups and to the context of the organization, as has been observed after the COVID-19 pandemic.