Democracia energética ante el colapso civilizatorioComunidades energéticas del Norte y del Sur

  1. Barcena Hinojal, Iñaki
  2. Almazán, Adrián
  3. Azurza Zubizarreta, Olatz
  4. Villamor Lomas, Estitxu
  5. Basurko Pérez de Arenaza, Izaro
Política y sociedad

ISSN: 1130-8001 1988-3129

Ano de publicación: 2023

Título do exemplar: Monográfico: La democracia comunal como posible realidad emergente y articulación antisistémica ante las crisis; e88474

Volume: 60

Número: 1

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.5209/POSO.79457 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Política y sociedad


At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, we have entered as capitalist and industrial societies in trajectories of ecosocial collapse that make it urgent to move towards another energy model. It is therefore more important than ever to think about how the debate around the notion of energy democracy can help us think about the necessary transitions to come. Thus, this article has a double objective. On the one hand, to present some of the concepts, criticisms and theoretical-practical approaches in the field of energy democracy that propose that energy, rather than a commodity and a commercial exchange good, is a necessity of every living being and should be recognized as a universal human right. On the other, analyze different community and neighborhood realities, as well as organizations, alliances, etc., and their alternative energy practices as a paradigm of democratic, just, egalitarian, autonomous and ecologically sustainable societies. Initiatives from both the global North, specifically Euskal Herria, and the global South, exemplified in the case of Brazil. We understand that in-depth research on this question must at least be able to answer the following study questions: a) Energy for what and for whom? b) Energy in what world? c) What are the energy communities around us like?

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