Metodología y método para el desarrollo territorialAprendizajes para compatibilizar eficiencia y democratización a través de la investigación acción

  1. Miren Larrea
  2. Ainhoa Arrona
  3. Eva Sánchez Cambra
  4. Naia Begiristain Etxezarreta
  5. Mikel Gaztañaga Cinto
  6. Pablo Costamagna pr.

Editorial: Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad

Any de publicació: 2023

Tipus: Llibre


At this time when all territories in the world are facing complex challenges, among which the climate emergency stands out, there is a need for profound social transformations. Moreover, the requirement that these transformations should be of a democratizing nature is also proving to be a relevant topic. This report presents how a provincial government such as the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa can choose action research as a methodology to address these transformation processes while deepening, simultaneously, in democratization. Specifically, the methodology (philosophical underpinnings of what is done) and the method (what is actually done) are presented in this document. Their analysis generates lessons learnt on how to: Build shared vision and agreements for action that overcome methodological differences. Define work methodologies for strategy generation that flexibly balance approaches inspired by the planning school with perspectives based on learning and negotiation. Use facilitation as an element that helps social transformation processes to be significant even for territorial actors who can dedicate little time to them. Integrate debriefing processes that enable constructively dealing with emotions in the process These are lessons that may be of interest to governments, research institutes or other types of entities that want to develop collaborative governance.