Irudiaren konposizio digitala sorkuntza artistiko bezala

  1. Xabier Barrios Elcid
II. Ikergazte nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz: Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma.
  1. Iñaki Alegria (ed. lit.)
  2. Ainhoa Latatu (ed. lit.)
  3. Miren Josu Omaetxebarria (ed. lit.)
  4. Patxi Salaberri (ed. lit.)

Éditorial: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano

ISBN: 978-84-8438-627-8 978-84-8438-628-5

Année de publication: 2017

Titre du volume: Giza Zientziak eta Artea

Tomo: 1

Volumen: 1

Pages: 167-175

Congreso: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (2. 2017. Iruñea)

Type: Communication dans un congrès

DOI: 10.26876/IKERGAZTE.II.01.22 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor


It is tempting to speculate whether the culture of the new media is close to obtaining aform of representation with a "stable language" such as photography, or whether thecomputer language of the future will be completely different from the one used today, andtherefore will affect the development of Cultural means and their final forms. Even so, itis worth reviewing the qualities and forms of the medium today and the changes orcontinuities with the past that involves the use of digital technology or computerphotography.