Cultural impact perception through emotions in the context of music festivals

  1. Oliva Codina, Jordi
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Alba Colombo Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Fecha de defensa: 07 von Juni von 2021

  1. Bernadette Quinn Präsident/in
  2. Thomas Schäfer Sekretär
  3. Wolfgang Fuhrmann Vocal

Art: Dissertation


As a type of cultural event, music festivals have triumphed economically and socially in recent decades. These events constituted a growing business for the music sector and an alternative way to generate income (Krueger, 2019). In trying to understand the experience that such events provoke in their audience, academics have proposed diverse models in evaluating the event experience from several disciplines. However little attention received the internal cultural development of festival-goers in relation with the emotions experienced in music festivals contexts. This study reveals –through quantitative and qualitative analysis– the experience in music festivals as an opportunity to develop specific features of festival-goer's cultural identity along with the arousal of intense emotions. Finally, it relates these intangible analyses with the intentionality of the festival organizers implied in the organization of the event.