Heterogeneidad sectorial en la digitalización empresarial en Euskadi

  1. Agustín Zubillaga Rego 1
  2. Iker Pastor López 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto (España)
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía

ISSN: 0213-3865

Année de publication: 2020

Titre de la publication: Huella de la Gran Recesión en Euskadi. Impactos y retos principales de país

Número: 35

Pages: 482-521

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía


Digitization has been altering business activity at an accelerated pace. Using a mesoeconomic analysis, the paper analyses the evolution of digitization in the Basque economy after the crisis based on a taxonomy-based framework on the digital intensity of economic sectors. Time dimension has been added to this framework to understand its behavior over time. The result shows the existence of heterogeneity of digitization in the branches of activity of the Basque economy with different patterns in its evolution, and points to the need to reinforce the strategies of digitization of the weakest identified digitized activities.

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