Knowledge production methods in human rights researchconstraints and opportunities for the promotion of an interdisciplinary approach

  1. De la Cruz-Ayuso, Cristina 1
  1. 1 Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute, University of Deusto,
The Age of Human Rights Journal

ISSN: 2340-9592

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 13

Seiten: 75-98

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.17561/TAHRJ.N13.5 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: The Age of Human Rights Journal


This article asks about the current modes of production in human rights research and how they are (or may be) determined by the structures where that knowledge is generated. These questions will be answered by looking at the results of a preliminary study on the reception and subsequent institutionalisation of studies on human rights in stable structures that are dedicated to their research, training and dissemination in Spanish universities. The starting hypothesis is that this institutionalisation causes conceptual, epistemological and methodological biases in the rationales for knowledge construction in the field of human rights that determine and hinder the interdisciplinary approach demanded by its study. Interdisciplinarity has become a dominant aspect of human rights research. The question about how this feature is articulated and who articulates it in the academic institutional framework is pertinent in a field of knowledge that cannot avoid asymmetries in the production and circulation of knowledge. The results show that human rights research has been mainly institutionalised in stable university structures in Spain within the field of legal sciences, with a clear predominance of the area of the Philosophy of Law. It can be concluded that this has been conditioned by the reception and subsequent development of the study of human rights in Spain. While it has been found that the line developed by these centres and research groups has been consolidated and recognised, it can also be confirmed that their modes of knowledge production do not match the rationale of interdisciplinary research. These limitations are not just endogenous. There are some features of Spanish institutional R&D&i culture that make interdisciplinary research on human rights difficult.

Informationen zur Finanzierung

1 The research leading to this publication was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy as part of the research project entitled ‘Complex inequality in plural societies: Indicators for public policies’ [DER2016-77711-P] and by the Basque government through the financial support granted to the activities of research groups in the Basque university system (IT1224-19). 2 Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute, University of Deusto, Spain (


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