Reformar la Constitución en clave (ordo)liberalEl mercado único y la libre competencia como garantía de los servicios públicos

  1. Luis Ignacio Gordillo Pérez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España


Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social

ISSN: 2254-3295

Any de publicació: 2018

Títol de l'exemplar: La Carta Social Europea

Número: 137

Pàgines: 193-214

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social


This study raises the need to address the reform of the Constitution according to ordoliberal keys or, simplifying, allowing a genuine single market that works respecting free competition and guaranteeing high quality social services. First, an analysis of the relationship between the Constitution and the economy (II) is developed, emphasizing the relationship between economic activity and the emergence of the State (also defining concepts such as ordoliberalism and «economic constitution»). Next, a proposal to reform the Spanish Constitution is proposed (focused on three aspects: single market, defence of competition and efficiency of public services). Finally, the study ends with a brief section of conclusions that claim the need to introduce these changes in our constitutional text. As for the economic model established by constitutions, national constitutional courts have adopted a position that may seem contradictory: on the one hand, they claim (in a more or less explicit way) a supposed neutrality with respect to the economic activity, although within the constitutional framework, avoiding to pronounce on the specific model and its content; on the other hand, they carry out a validity control of economic measures based on their quality as the last defender of the Constitution and the social model that it establishes. Finally, they are reluctant to fill the category of economic constitution with content, preferring to maintain a semantic concept and avoiding to take a step forward in order to establish an authentic normative category similar to a sort of «block of economic constitutionality». Basically, this study makes three proposals to reform our Constitution. The first is about the economic model. In my opinion, one could opt for recognition in the preliminary title of the Constitution of the economic system that the Spanish Constitution would opt for, which would be the social market economy (while the term «ordoliberal» is perhaps rather scientific-technical in nature). Although this concept would, of course, be developed later, it would allow constitutional jurisprudence to protect a minimum content that endows the constitutional declaration with consistency and effects and protects the system against an overly interventionist legislator or intended to end public services (equated here with the concept of social rights). It can be argued that article 38 already mentions the «market economy», although it could also be stated that this declaration, outside the preliminary title (which permeates the rest of the constitutional text), would have a more limited scope. Secondly, in line with the proposed adaptation of our regulation, there would be other aspects that could also be developed, such as considering the right to property of article 33 as a fundamental right (including the limitations derived from the social function, of course) or the freedom of enterprise of article 38. Likewise, the recognition of professional associations does not seem to be included in the constitutional text (currently, article 36), but it seems more convenient that the law itself should be subject to its regulation in those cases in which there is really a public interest that justifies the closing of the market that such an organization is operating. Finally, we should specify what is meant by an ordoliberal reform. In short, it would seek to strengthen (or establish) a genuine single market in Spain, to guarantee free competition and to ensure efficient and quality public services (as social rights). That would be the final and last goal of this proposal: to have a market open to competition and efficient, attractive to operators and allowing an economic activity that leads to a high level of revenue. This would ensure the necessary funds to guarantee efficient and quality public services that are necessary in a modern, social and democratic State of Law and quality. Thus, the objective of this study is simply to focus on some aspects, that is to say, more functional, less existentialist, but absolutely necessary in the event of a reform of the Constitution. Neither the crisis of representative democracy, the electoral system, nor the autonomic state are mentioned here (although their inefficiencies are related to what is proposed here). On the contrary, there is a more pragmatic or functional reform proposal, less elevated in the Theory of the Constitution, but whose results would contribute to a substantial improvement of public affairs. Basically, three goals are proposed: to achieve a genuine national single market, to make free competition constitutional and to achieve a more efficient administration (although only the aspect related to duplicities has been developed here). A critical reader could point out that none of these (more or less reasonable) proposals would need to be included in the constitutional text. It would simply be possible to do so by legal means. It could also be said to that commentator that formal norms would not be necessary either, but that a change of culture would be enough. Also, that some of those measures already seemed to be included in our law. In any case, the jurisprudential practice and the dynamics of institutions in our country seem to demonstrate that the constitutional guarantee is perhaps the most efficient one to achieve the change for different reasons: for the hierarchical supremacy of the text, because it informs the rest of the norms and for the renewed legitimacy implied by any reform process. It is not about establishing a too exhaustive constitutional code that ends up petrifying the legal order, but it is about getting some basic principles in a constitutional way that, given the functions that today are demanded from the public power, seem to be the most reasonable ones.

Informació de finançament

Este trabajo es resultado de los proyectos de investigación «las mutaciones de la constitución económica de la Unión Europea» (DER2013-48327-C3-2-R, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, 2014-2016), «The Economic Constitution of the European Union» (553481-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPJMO-MODULE / 2014-1391, Jean Monnet Action, EACEA-Comisión Europea, 2014-2017) y en el marco del grupo de investigación «las mutaciones del poder público y el Derecho transnacional» (IT997-16, Gobierno Vasco, 2016-2018) y de la «Red Temática en Justicia constitucional y diálogo judicial» (DER2016-81801-REDT, Red de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economía, industria y Competitividad, 2017-2019).


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