Incidencia de la carrera Behobia-San Sebastián en el fomento de estilo de vida saludable

  1. Alazne Mujika Alberdi 1
  2. Iñaki García Arrizabalaga 1
  3. Juan José Gibaja Martíns 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto (San Sebastián, España)
Apunts: Educación física y deportes

ISSN: 1577-4015 2014-0983

Ano de publicación: 2018

Número: 131

Páxinas: 34-48

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.5672/APUNTS.2014-0983.ES.(2018/1).131.03 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Apunts: Educación física y deportes


This research is designed find out to what extent runners in a long-distance race adopt healthy lifestyles as a result of their participation in the event. The race chosen was the Behobia-San Sebastián which has more than 30 000 participants and is well established among fun runners. The hypothesis is that the runners’ participation favourably impacts their self-perception of health and changes in their lifestyles. To test it, a questionnaire was administered to 8115 Guipuzcoans registered for the 50th edition of the race. The results indicate that among these runners self-perception of health improves and that the participants take greater care of their diet and smoke and drink alcohol less. It can be concluded that the Behobia-San Sebastián Race is a driving force for sustainable change in the lifestyle of its participants as well as a contributing factor towards greater and better health

Información de financiamento

Los autores de este trabajo desean expresar su agradecimiento al CD Fortuna KE por la financiación de la investigación, así como por todas las facilidades dadas para el desarrollo exitoso del trabajo de campo.


  • CD Fortuna KE

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