Subpolítica Globalel poder de la sociedad civil organizada para hacer frente a la contaminación del aire

  1. Luis Rosas-Cobos
  2. Pedro M. Sasia-Santos
En-claves del pensamiento

ISSN: 1870-879X 2594-1100

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 10

Número: 20

Páxinas: 13-38

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: En-claves del pensamiento


Air pollution is now considered the biggest environmental health risk as it is related to diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems, in addition to its potential carcinogenic effects in human beings. The industrial sector is one of the largest contributor to air pollution emissions. In this paper we return to the thought of Ulrich Beck who, in his book World Risk Society, criticized industrialization for ignoring its negative impact on nature and human beings, thereby creating risks with global consequences. The author suggested that there may be politics beyond the scope of traditional State institutions, in what he named global sub-politics. We examine whether global sub-politics can be an alternative means for civil society to address the problem of air pollution and its adverse impacts, in addition to alternatives coming from other areas of knowledge.

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