Aprender a crecer. Desarrollo de capacidades dinámicas para el crecimiento: Experiencias en Pymes del País Vasco

  1. Nekane Aramburu 1
  2. Iñaki Garagorri 2
  3. Klaus North 3
  1. 1 Deusto Business School
  2. 2 OPE Consultores
  3. 3 Wiesbaden Business School
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Titel der Ausgabe: Dinámica empresarial

Nummer: 399

Seiten: 131-142

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Economía industrial


In the current turbulent and increasingly competitive landscape, it is critical that companies develop their internal capabilities in order to support their growth processes and, as a consequence, to increase their competitiveness and survival in the long term. Along these lines, this paper presents the main findings of an action-research project, carried out among a set of firms from the Basque region (Spain). The main goal of the project was the implementation of the methodology “Learning to Grow” in these companies. This methodology helps firms to be more flexible for being able to envisage changes and search actively growth opportunities. Moreover, it promotes the development of internal capabilities through the practical implementation of growth projects. Until now, the aforementioned methodology has been applied in 26 SMEs in the Basque region (9 in 2013, 8 in 2014, and 5 in 2015 in the territory of Guipúzcoa, and 4 in the territory of Vizcaya). In this paper the main findings obtained after the implementation of this methodology are examined, deepening especially in the evolution of the companies in terms of growth and development.

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