Emprendedoras en el desarrollo de una empresa de base tecnológicael desafío del caso Dynakin

  1. Guerrero Cano, Maribel
  2. González Pernía, José Luis
  3. Peña Legazkue, Iñaki
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Ano de publicación: 2012

Título do exemplar: Mujer y desafío emprendedor en España

Número: 383

Páxinas: 125-132

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Economía industrial


An emerging area of interest for academics, entrepreneurs and policy makers is the analysis and understanding of how and where women entrepreneurs have made differences. Our case study, for example, focuses on women in academic environments who are creating new businesses based on the exploration and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities identified in their research activities. Adopting the feminist perspective, our paper tries to identify the opportunities and the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs during the creation process of a technologybased enterprise within a university.

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