Actitudes ante la inmigración en el País Vasco y las tipologías de individuos que éstas producen

  1. Laka Mugarza, Jon Paul
  2. Narvaiza Solís, José Luis
  3. Silvestre Cabrera, María
Boletín de estudios económicos

ISSN: 0006-6249

Datum der Publikation: 2006

Titel der Ausgabe: Consideraciones sobre el fenómeno migratorio

Ausgabe: 61

Nummer: 188

Seiten: 307-339

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Boletín de estudios económicos


This article summaries the main results of the use of multilevel analysis techniques of the "Percepciones, valores y actitudes de la población vasca ante la inmigración extranjera" (Perceptions, values and attitudes of the Basque population to foreign immigration) survey by the Basque Immigration Monitoring Centre (Ikusbide) in 2004. The main goals pursued in the processing of the data were: On the one hand to detect latent factors that summarise the main attitudes towards immigration to be found in Basque society and to attempt to relate those factors with a series of socio-demographic variables, and, on the other hand, to define a typology that allows subjects to be defined based on their relationship with the latent factor, or in other words, based on their attitudes towards immigration. Five latent factors were found and six types of individual were located.

Bibliographische Referenzen

  • Observatorio Vasco de Inmigración – Ikuspegi (2004): Percepciones, valores y actitudes de la población vasca ante la inmigración extranjera,
  • Observatorio Europeo del Racismo y la Xenofobia EUMC-SORA (2001): Actitudes hacia los grupos minoritarios en la unión europea. Un análisis especial de la Encuesta Eurobarómetro 2000.
  • JOHNSON, R.A. & WICHERN, D.W. (1982): Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
  • MARDIA, K.V.; KENT, J.T. & BIBBY, J.M. (1979): Multivariate Analysis. Academic Press, London.
  • MORRISON, D.F. (1976): Multivariate Statistical Methods (2Ed). McGraw-Hill, London.