INSPIRA, fomento de las vocaciones científico-tecnológicas en chicas mediante mentoría

  1. María Luz Guenaga Gómez
  2. Andoni Eguíluz Morán
  3. Iratxe Menchaca Sierra
  4. Pablo Garaizar Sagarminaga
  5. Lorena Fernández Álvarez
  6. Oihane Zarate González

Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-16982-49-3

Ano de publicación: 2017

Tipo: Libro


INSPIRA STEAM is a pioneering project in the Basque Country that seeks to foster scientific and technological vocations among girls, based on awareness and orientation actions led by female specialists working in the fields of research, science and technology. This is the first time that group mentoring techniques have been used in a project for encouraging STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) among primary school children. INSPIRA STEAM originates from the need to promote scientific and technological vocations among pupils, especially among girls. The number of students who choose technology-related courses is decreasing year by year. And the decrease is especially marked among girls. 54% of Spanish university students are women, but they account for less than 25% of the total on technical courses such as Engineering. This briefing is aimed at all individuals and organisations interested in implementing INSPIRA-based projects at schools. It outlines the procedures, materials, methods and tasks involved in setting up a pilot project in just a few schools so that it can later be expanded to dozens of schools in the same city or region.