Simulación numérica de la aplicación de corrientes de inducción al desmontaje eficiente de vías en placa ferroviarias

  1. Ane Onaindia Rodríguez-Maribona
  2. Olatz Oyarzabal de Celis
  3. Aimar Orbe Mateo
  4. Roque Borinaga Treviño
  5. Javier Canales Abaitua
  6. Ernesto García Vadillo
Técnica industrial

ISSN: 0040-1838

Ano de publicación: 2022

Número: 332

Páxinas: 64-72

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Técnica industrial


Today, a number of railway systems have a superstructure based on slab track. This type of track has become the solution chosen for many high-speed line and tunnel projects due to its many advantages, including increased reliability, reduced need for maintenance and ease of cleaning and operation. However, the slab slab track systems have an inherent problem when they need to be repaired due to causes such as a derailment or the end of the use lifespan of its components. For this reason, when designing new slab tracks, it is convenient to study an efficient track repair system to recover the normal rail services as soon as possible, limiting effects on users and reducing costs for railway Administrations. This study analyzes alternatives to the process of dismantling the slab track blocks that support the rails, basing the solutions on heating by electromagnetic induction. Through induction heating of the blocks that are inserted in the slab, the aim is to achieve surface cracking of the lower lateral areas of the block, thus guaranteeing its separation from the rest of the slab track and ensuring easy extraction to subsequently proceed with the placement of the new component.