Tarjetas de salud de los agroecosistemas pascícolasHerramienta práctica para la gestión sostenible de los pastos

  1. I. Mijangos Amezaga
  2. I. Albizu Beitia
  3. I. Martín Sánchez
  4. M. Anza Hortalá
  5. S. Mendarte Azkue
  6. L. Epelde Sierra
  7. C. Garbisu Crespo
Los pastos: Nuevos retos, nuevas oportunidades
  1. Leopoldo Olea Márquez de Prado (coord.)
  2. Sara M. Rodrigo (coord.)
  3. Óscar Santamaría Becerril (coord.)

Editorial: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-695-6999-3

Any de publicació: 2013

Pàgines: 505-511

Congrés: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (52. 2013. null)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


The “Agroecosystem Health Cards for Grasslands-AHCG” consist of new handbooks thatprovide straightforward, practical explanations on how to assess the health of grassland ecosystems,though the analysis of a variety of aboveground (plant) and belowground (soil) indicators. Besides, theyallow us to know the impact of any perturbance (e.g., agricultural practices) on these agroecosystemshealth. To these aims, AHCG specify what indicators of agroecosystem health can be measured, how todo so properly, what each indicator means,and include reference values considered as “good”, “average”and “bad” for both mountainous and valley grasslands. These parameters/indicators were separatedinto two different categories, i.e. “basic” and “advanced”, which lead respectively to a basic or anadvanced health diagnose, depending on the interests/possibilities of each user (land managers,scientists, farmers, public in general). These Cards have been designed by NEIKER-Tecnalia, withinthe framework of Soilmontana LIFE project. Their main purpose is to evaluate the impact on agroecosystem health of different agronomic practices usually carried out in Gorbeia Natural Park andsurrounding grasslands, in an attempt to promote practices that conserve both socioeconomic (cropproductivity) and environmental (soil and biodiversity conservation, global change mitigation)ecosystem services.