Innovación Social Transformadora frente al capitalismo neoliberal

  1. Eusebio Lasa Altuna 1
  2. Aratz Soto Gorrotxategi 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Revista de economía crítica

ISSN: 1696-0866 2013-5254

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Titel der Ausgabe: Desigualdades en la 4ª revolución industrial

Nummer: 31

Seiten: 19-34

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de economía crítica


In this paper we want to set up the concept of Transformative Social Innovation. As there are many different ways to understand Social Innovation the aim of this article is to use Social Innovation for social transformation. When we talk about Transformative Social Innovation it is necessary a radical change, a breakup with capitalist system in nature, means and organization. Therefore, the intention of this article is to establish the rules for Transformative Social Innovation based on social transformation in order to reconsider the present neoliberal stage and, at the same time, open new ways for society. Within this context, the Transformative Social Innovation that we propose in this article may be able to build another model of society with different values and policies based on solidarity, the distribution of wealth, social participation and quality of life. That is, Transformative Social Innovation is a commitment to another development model, to another model of society.

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