Gamificación en la docencia de dermatología

  1. Rosa M. Izu-Belloso 1
  1. 1 Servicio de Dermatología. Hospital Universitario Basurto, Bilbao
FEM. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

ISSN: 2014-9832 2014-9840

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 24

Número: 1

Páxinas: 54-58

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: FEM. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica


Almost all of us, as university professors, abuse the presentation-based master classes with ‘PowerPoint’ employing all class time, exclusively in the transmission of the information to be memory- learned. For a growing part of the students the theory class is a sleepy experience, boring and passive. Gamification or ‘Game Based Learning’ can boost motivation and learning by combining dynamics with tailored content and interactive technology with results and feedback in real time. They have the ability to create a playful and attractive format, promote active participation, debate and reflection in the classroom, promote relationships between attendees and improve the retention of key messages or knowledge that you want to transmit. For 2 years, in the Basurto teaching unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the University of the Basque Country (UPV) we have used 2 tools to ‘gamify’ our teaching in the subject of Dermatology in the 4th year of Medicine: Socrative® and Trivinet®