Engarces del término precariedad con las nociones estéticas de visualidad, relacionalidad y liminalidad

  1. Cancio Ferruz, Arturo
  2. Vegas Moreno, Natalia
Arte y políticas de identidad

ISSN: 1889-979X

Ano de publicación: 2018

Número: 19

Páxinas: 101-114

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.6018/REAPI.359811 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

Outras publicacións en: Arte y políticas de identidad


In recent times, the term precariousness has acquired a notorious centrality in innumerable discursive circuits, one of them being contemporary art. Thus, certain artistic practices and, as a consequence, particular dialectic processes that approach them, propose both formal devices and conceptual strategies to address and question the phenomenon of precariousness. In this text, we critically analyze some of the ideas raised regarding the issue of precariousness in contemporary art, more specifically linked to the notions of visuality (Ross, 2008), relationality (Bourriaud, 2009) and liminality (Van Gennep, 2008). Thereby, we principally examine how these three theoretical perspectives bind the artistic and the ethical-political aspects of art making together, to pinpoint those propositions that get closer to an idea of equilibrium in the ethical-aesthetical productivity of precariousness (Gielen, 2015). We find that whereas in the conceptions linked to visuality and relationality the purely aesthetical aspects prevail in relation to the ethical-political ones, liminality radically questions any systemic and hierarchic consensus of social institutions, due to its anti-structural character (Diéguez, 2009).

Referencias bibliográficas

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