Evaluación de las guías docentes para la Educación en Artes Visuales del profesorado en formación de los grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria

  1. Amaia Andrieu
  2. Ainhoa Gómez Pintado
  3. Pablo Lekue

ISSN: 1988-5105

Année de publication: 2017

Volumen: 11

Número: 1

Pages: 75-96

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Observar


The course syllabuses are considered educational resources that transcend the mere informative function on each subject and guide the learning processes of the teaching staff in training. This article analyses the course syllabuses for the Education in Visual Arts of the grades of Preschool and Primary Education (Faculty of Education and Sports, UPV/EHU). To obtain the data, it has been applied the "Rubric for the Evaluation of the Course Syllabuses", which consists of six dimensions: Learning outcomes, content, resources, activities, modality of learning and evaluation. The analysed course syllabuses offer a remarkable level of information on the development of the subjects. However, they have deficiencies and they are susceptible of improvement. The process of applying the rubric opens a new space for the permanent and shared reflection of teachers on their own teaching activity through the analysis of the course syllabuses

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