Reflexiones acerca de la persuasión de la publicidad institucional del VIH-SIDA e Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS) en jóvenes universitarios

  1. Marta Arrue Mauleón
  2. Elena Leiñena Mendizábal
RECIEN: Revista Científica de Enfermería (España)

ISSN: 1989-6409

Année de publication: 2013

Número: 6

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/RECIEN.2013.06.03 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: RECIEN: Revista Científica de Enfermería (España)


Objectives: There were 2 objectives: 1) Analyze, from an economic and a legal perspective, the institutional advertising campaigns of the last three years (2009, 2010 y 2011), broadcast by Osakidetza, concerning the prevention of HIV-AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections; and 2) examine the impact of these campaigns, at the cognitive and behavioral level, in a sample of youth from the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, conducted with 408 participants, 91 (22.3%) men and 317 (77.7%) women, aged 19 to 25 years. Each participant completed a questionnaire about sexual habits designed "ad hoc" for this study. In order to analyze the data, descriptive analysis and correlations were conducted. Results: The results show that: 1) most subjects (or participants) do not remember the campaigns; 2) the aforementioned campaigns have provoked little reflection; 3) only 8.3% said to have substantially changed their sexual habits; y 4) Campaign targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) has not reached the target audience. Conclusions: The results suggest the need to develop campaigns to prevent HIV-AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, taking into account, among other things, the following points: enhancing the creativity of the message, determining the target audience, using new technologies, resorting to testimonial advertising, promoting multiple interventions and evaluating the effectiveness of campaigns.

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