Acerca de opresiones, luchas y resistenciasmovimientos sociales y procesos emancipadores

  1. Martinez Garcia, Zesar
  2. Casado, Beatriz
Cuadernos de trabajo Hegoa = Lan Koadernoak = Working papers

ISSN: 2340-3187

Ano de publicación: 2013

Título do exemplar: Acerca de opresiones, luchas y resistencias: movimientos sociales y procesos emancipadores

Número: 60

Páxinas: 1-68

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Cuadernos de trabajo Hegoa = Lan Koadernoak = Working papers


In order to give continuity to the proposals set out in Number 57 of the collection Cuadernos de Trabajo of the Hegoa Institute, we are presenting a proposal, or invitation, to observe, interpret and position oneself alongside popular mobilizations and social movements in a spirit of collaboration. In this way, we seek to contribute to strengthening the latter as agents for the construction of other alternative solutions to the different crises that our societies face. For this purpose, together with activists from organizations articulated in La Via Campesina and the World March of Women, we have made an analysis of the elements that contribute to strengthening the emancipatory character of social movements, and also of the tendencies that limit and weaken the emancipatory potential of their processes (their weaknesses and challenges). This analysis is a partial and limited reflection that, on one side, through its debate, is intended to strengthen these political subjects; and, on the other, it is a contribution to the broader work that aims to stress the possible importance of another form of international cooperation. Through political commitment and the resolve to support emancipatory processes, such cooperation would adopt a focus of strengthening subjects and building alliances with social movements, in order to overcome the different forms of subordination and oppression in force in this model of modern society with its markedly patriarchal, colonial and capitalist character.