Responsabilidad penal por crímenes internacionales y coautoría mediata

  1. Miren Odriozola Gurrutxaga 1
  1. 1 UPV/EHU, España
Propuestas penales: nuevos retos y modernas tecnologías
  1. Lina Mariola Díaz Cortés (coord.)
  2. Ma. Teresa Heredero Campo (coord.)
  3. Nathali Janeth Villasante Arroyo (coord.)
  4. Pérez Álvarez, Fernando (dir.)

Editorial: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-9012-709-4

Any de publicació: 2016

Pàgines: 309-324

Congrés: Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Penales (4. 2016. Salamanca)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


Owing to the massive nature of atrocity crimes, the establishment of the crim-inal liability of each of the individuals who take part in the perpetration of atrocity crimes con-stitutes one of the most relevant challenges which International Criminal Law faces nowadays. In any case, the modes of liability shall be respectful of the principle of individual criminal liability as well as of the criminological reality of such kind of crimes. The present research analyzes the various alternatives which have been followed by international criminal tribunals in order to choose the appropriate form of perpetration or participation for each case. Co-perpetration by means of an Organized Power Apparatus features prominently among such alternatives, since it has been recently developed and it proves to be particularly useful in the context of atrocity crimes