Connecting knowledgeinnovation through bottom-up colaboration to promote and diffuse cultural heritage

  1. Ciastellardi, Matteo
  2. Miranda de Almeida De Barros, Cristina
Actas II Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital: espacios para la interactividad y la inmersión
  1. García García, Francisco (dir. congr.)
  2. Gértrudix Barrio, Manuel (coord.)
  3. Gértrudix Barrio, Felipe (coord.)

Editorial: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 978-84-939077-5-4

Ano de publicación: 2011

Volume: 1

Páxinas: 557-564

Congreso: Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital (2. 2011. Madrid)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The World Wide Web, in special the Web 2.0, offers evolved and complex systems to control and manage information. That fact can be seen when we analyze two important features relating knowledge management in contemporary digital society. On the one hand, the emergence of popular taxonomies called folksonomies that supported by social networking tools, help to make visible subjective forms of knowledge classification and interconnection: new classification tools open the possibility to society to manage knowledge by means of a collaborative approach, in a sustainable way. On the other hand, one of the most relevant possibility to further this collaborative approach is the Internet of Things that enables knowledge to be embedded and situated in the physical work by means of different tools. These two factors, the empowering of personal and situated dimensions of knowledge triggered by Web 2.0 and Internet of Things generated an impact relating knowledge itself: the subjective influx of data between different layers of knowledge embedded in everyday life is shaping a new panorama in which "trusted" categories and concepts live together with subjective, "non trusted" definitions. This situation affects different research and knowledge fields and requires attention from all disciplines and fields implied in knowledge production, reproduction, dissemination and filing. This paper will present the contributions of Internet of Things to knowledge construction by analyzing a case study, the development of what we call an electronic margin for the exhibition Condensed Matter in Barcelona. In this sense, the paper will show that it is necessary to develop methods to deal with both forms of knowledge (trusted and non trusted) in bottom-up driven projectj secondly, the paper will explore and underline how design, and specially information design, can collaboratively define new guídelines to sustain and facilitate a bottom-up construction of knowledge in a specific field of application.