An assessment model for responsible university social innovation (RUSI)(summarized version)

  1. Aurelio Villa coord.
  2. Enrique Arnau
  3. Crristian Cabezas
  4. Rita Cancino
  5. Norberto Fernández-Lamarra
  6. Carolina Greising
  7. Elsiana Guido
  8. Chantal Jouannet
  9. Claudia Lucía Mora
  10. Mercedes Morales
  11. Oswaldo Orellana
  12. Carmen Salazar
  13. Daniela Sánchez
  14. Vera Solís
  15. Milton Trujillo
  16. Javier Villar
  17. Ana Luisa López Vélez

Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-15772-84-2

Ano de publicación: 2014

Tipo: Libro


Higher educational establishments are going through times of change, which can be seen in both their internal processes and their relationship to the environment in which they are immersed. It is therefore necessary to define new practices in order to rise to the challenges that the 21st century will pose for higher education. In this respect, the Tuning Alfa Project’s second phase of building a common Latin American area for Higher Education included the building of a Model for Responsible University Social Innovation as one the objectives and outcomes to be achieved, which will shape the meaning and framework of this Common Higher Education Area. This task was undertaken by the Area of University Innovation and Social Responsibility working group, 16 universities (14 Latin American and 2 European), led by the scholar and expert in university and social innovation at the University of Deusto, Aurelio Villa. Two years was spent on defining the model presented throughout this document.