Adaptación y evidencias de validez de la susbstance dependence severity scale (SDSS)

Dirixida por:
  1. Francisco González Saiz Director
  2. Óscar Martín Lozano Rojas Director
  3. María Esperanza Torrico Linares Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 06 de xullo de 2017

  1. José Carmona Márquez Presidente/a
  2. Ioseba Iraurgi Castillo Secretaria
  3. Raquel Vilar López Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Substance Use Disorders (SUD) constitute one of the main health problems in developed countries. For evaluation purposes a number of scales and tests have been developed In order to differentiate two groups of instruments: those that strictly adhere to diagnostic criteria established in the diagnostic classifications of DSM and ICD, those that evaluate the presence / absence of the disorders and those that opt for a dimensional assessment of the severity of the disorder. They don’t necesarily follow the criteria of previous diagnostic classifications and generally have the function of evaluating the evolution of patients. The Substance Dependence Severity Scale (SDSS) is a interview type test which was developed in the United States. The interview is the only one that evaluates the diagnosis of substance use disorder following the diagnosis of the DSM and, at the same time, offers a dimensional evaluation. That is why it is a versatile tool that can be used both to establish the diagnosis of patients and to follow their progress. The objetive is to adapt the SDSS to spanish culture, as well as doing the psychometric study of the same, estimating its reliability and providing evidence of its validity. We also want to show he usefulness of this instrument in relation to its administration in a clinical context, relating it to psychopathological characteristics of the patients and the therapeutic results. In this sense, four studies have been suggested: the first one shows how the adaptation process of the initial version has been carried out, translated and adapted to the spanish language, following the ITC guidelines. On the other hand, some psychometric features of the final version of the scale have been evaluated. Regarding the evaluation of its possible use in a clinical scope, the functioning of the scale in the patients assessment process has been analized, Finally, validity evidence has been provided to analyze the sensitivity and the specificity of the SDSS alcohol scale in relation to the MINI. The results obtained show the SDSS appropiated psychometric features in terms of its estimated reliability as Internal consistency and split-half reliability. It also introduces suitable validity evidence in relation to other variables involved in the dependence process. The specific study of its clinical administration guarantee its usefulness showing how, through the scoring of this instrument, the presence of other mental health disorders can be more accurately interpreted (in this case personality disorder) that can have an impact on the therapeutic results of the patients. In conclusion, this project offers an integrated framework of the adaptation process and the administration of the SDSS. Considering the results, we deem that a suitable intrument be provided for the evaluation of the patients with substances consumption disorder, taking into account the actual time period. It should allow us to contrast the evolution of the patients and monitor any changes which the treatment produces, with some features in its implementation that distinguish it from other instruments.