Jauzi Handiauna comunidad de práctica para la formación en cultura democrática en el campus de Gipuzkoa

  1. Antonio Casado da Rocha 1
  2. Maitane Arnoso Martinez 2
  3. Lucía Perez Prat 3
  4. Errapel Ibarloza Arrizabalaga 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
  2. 2 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) - Unibertsitate Kritikoa Sarea
  3. 3 Unibertsitate Kritikoa Sarea

ISSN: 1989-7022

Ano de publicación: 2020

Título do exemplar: Comunidades de práctica y el futuro de la educación

Número: 33

Páxinas: 117-133

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Dilemata


The paper describes two consecutive experiences implemented in the Gipuzkoa campus at the University of the Basque Country (Donostia – San Sebastián) to advance human rights and democratic culture among first- and second-year students, an average of 36 students in each intervention. They took part in online and face-to-face formative activities to improve their skills for political dialogue, respect for diversity, and the development of creative initiatives in environmental sustainability. By creating and cultivating an informal community of practice around those topics, the methodology combined peer conversations, immersion journeys, the recording of a short film, formative sessions with experts, and a project lab. Performed impact and process evaluations indicate that participants valued very positively both experiences, although the face-to-face sessions were more intense than the online ones, that were implemented because of Covid19. The interventions improved some skills and prosocial dispositions, although not enough so as to generate behavior changes in everyday performance. Recommendations include to emphasize the self-efficacy aspect in social transformation, as well as to strengthen the institutional commitment with projects and initiatives developed in laboratories such as those, in order to improve the students’ engagement with such programs.

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