Changes in muscle and blood metabolites and power output during high-intensity bilateral leg press exercise, with special reference to the effect of leading or not leading to repetition failure

  1. Navarro Amezketa, Ion
Dirigida per:
  1. Esteban Gorostiaga Ayestarán Director/a
  2. Mikel Izquierdo Codirector/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Pública de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 31 de de juliol de 2017

  1. Javier Yanci Irigoyen President
  2. Fernando Pareja Blanco Secretari/ària
  3. Miguel Angel Barajas Vélez Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 518622 DIALNET


The current PhD dissertation revolves around the influence of the number of repetitions per bout (leading to failure or not) on changes in metabolic and mechanical variables during high-intensity leg press resistance exercise, to attempt to better understand the mechanical and physiological aspects underlying resistance training stimuli that affect adaptations. This doctoral thesis is based on 3 scientific studies that have been published in scientific journals. The first study (Chapter 2) was designed to examine metabolic responses during a single leg press exercise set of 10 repetitions leading to failure (10RM). Study 2 (Chapter 3) was aimed at examining the influence of the number of repetitions per set on changes in muscle metabolites and power output during widely used highintensity intermittent leg press exercise. The last study (Chapter 4) is a descriptive study to investigate the changes in blood metabolites in relation to muscular metabolites and mechanical power output changes.