Sea-level high-stand during the last interglacial stagesedimentary characterization and luminescence dating of the Oyambre coastal terrace (Cantabrian coast, Spain)

  1. Elisa Sainz de Murieta
  2. Alejandro Cearreta
  3. P.P. Cunha
  4. J.-P. Buylaert
  5. A.S. Murray
Mudanças em Sistemas Ambientais e sua Expressão Temporal: livro de Resumos da IX Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico
  1. Ana Gomes (ed. lit.)
  2. Célia Gonçalves (ed. lit.)
  3. Lino André (ed. lit.)
  4. Nuno Bicho (ed. lit.)
  5. Tomasz Boski (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario ; Grupo de Trabalho Português para o Estudo do Quaternário (GTPEQ) ; Universidade do Algarve

ISBN: 978-989-8859-20-4

Any de publicació: 2017

Pàgines: 96-97

Congrés: Reunión del Cuaternario Ibérico = Reuniâo do Quaternário Ibérico (9. 2017. Faro)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


In a context of climate change and global sea-level rise, the study of potential past analogues can play a key role in improving knowledge of natural- versus anthropogenic-induced climate variability. Special attention has been paid so far to the last interglacial stage maximum (MIS5e), that occurred at ca. 125 ka (ca. +6 m above present sea level). In this study, we have analysed a coastal sedimentary sequence located in Oyambre (Cantabria, north of Spain) above an erosive surface at about +6.9 m (above Bilbao ordnance datum). Based on sedimentological analysis, two depositional environments have been identified: an ancient beach environment, formed by gravels and brown pebbly sands, and an aeolian environment represented by yellow sands, that comprises the upper part of this coastal succession. OSL dating, using SAR quartz-OSL and pIRIR (K-feldspar) protocols, determined that the basal beach deposits correspond to a sea-level highstand during the last interglacial stage (ca. 125–108 ka).