Dinámicas epigenéticas y su impacto sobre el territorioel caso del cooperativismo vasco

  1. Jon Mikel Zabala Iturriagagoitia 1
  2. Jon Barrutia Güenaga 2
  3. Virginia Rincón Díez 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto (España)
  2. 2 Universidad del País Vasco (España)
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía

ISSN: 0213-3865

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Titel der Ausgabe: Tamaño empresarial y crecimiento en tiempo de crisis

Nummer: 90

Seiten: 162-195

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía


This article deals with the study of organizational dynamics derived from adaptation to turbulent environments, which in the context of this article are labelled epigenetic economic dynamics. Our goal is to study how firms and territories adapt to very rapid and significant changes in their respective environments. The article places emphasis on the decisionmaking routine as a vehicle to achieve this adaptation. The article focuses on the study of decision-making processes in three major industrial cooperative groups located in the Basque Country. The paper offers a discussion about the consequences of such dynamics not only for the companies themselves but also for the territory in which they are located, as well as about the importance of timing in decision-making.

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