The Public Sphere and Normalization of Minority Languages. An Analysis of Basque Television in Light of Other Experiences in Europe

  1. Amezaga, Josú 1
  2. Arana, Edorta 1
  3. Narbaiza, Bea 1
  4. Azpillaga, Patxi 1
  1. 1 NOR Research Group. University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

ISSN: 1138-3305 2340-5007

Ano de publicación: 2013

Título do exemplar: Nous temes, mètodes i teories en la investigación de les polítiques culturals i de comunicación a Espanya

Número: 32

Páxinas: 93-112

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Trípodos


Television channels in minority languagesare frequently the only televisionchannels specifically targeting the wholepopulation of the territory in whichthat language survives. This meansthat they can be seen not only as toolsfor linguistic normalization, but alsoas means for the building of a publicsphere open to the whole population.In cases where the linguistic communityis a minority within the whole population,the problem of how to deal withthe building of the public sphere in alanguage that is spoken by only a partof the population may arise. An analysisof the cases of Scotland, Wales and Finlandshows us that minority languagetelevision can develop strategies thatwill enable them to be accessible tothe whole territorial community. In thecase of the Basque Country, however,the approach has been a dual modelaccording to which broadcasting in theminority language is used to fulfill linguisticgoals, and broadcasting in the mainstream language is used for thebuilding of the public sphere. As a result,the model is certainly damagingfor the minority language, since it iscondemned to a situation of diglossia.

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