La vegetación de las islas de Ibiza y Formentera (Islas Baleares, España)

  1. Rivas Martínez, Salvador
  2. Costa, Manuel
  3. Loidi Arregui, Javier José
Itinera geobotanica

ISSN: 0213-8530

Ano de publicación: 1992

Número: 6

Páxinas: 99-236

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Itinera geobotanica


Monography about the flora and vegetation of the Pitiusic Islands: Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain) located in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea. Three main aspects are studied: 1. The biogeographical relationships between the islands and the sorrounding areas through the analysis of its flora, specially endemic plants, and vegetation. A hierarchical classification of its territorial units is also made. 2. Description of the vegetation following the classical Braun-Blanquet approach; 25 phytosociological classes are commented which include 69 associations (14 described as new) supported by 51 vegetation tables with 226 original inventories. 3. Floristic catalogue which includes the taxa mentioned in the text and tables, the plants collected in the area as well as the previously cited ones in the literature. A total amount of 921 vascular plants are recognized for the Pitiusic Islands, 80 of them newly recorded.