Procesos de participación ciudadana dentro de los Planes de Acción del Paisaje del Gobierno Vasco

  1. Pedro J. Lozano‐Valencia
  2. Itxaro Latasa‐Zaballos
  3. Raquel Varela‐Ona
  4. Raoul Servert‐Martín
  5. Elena Alonso‐Zapirain
Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global

Editorial: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles

Ano de publicación: 2017

Páxinas: 2048-2057

Congreso: Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles (25. 2017. Madrid)

Tipo: Achega congreso


On 5 February 2008 the Spain Government signed the European Landscape Convention. Since the competences in this field are transferred, each of the autonomous communities should implement the commitments of the mentioned document. Aware of this, the Basque Parliament approved on 17 June 2014 the Landscape Decree of the autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Thus, new landscape planning tools were launched in this community. Since 2014 the Basque Government set up, also, a grants program for the implementation of Landscape Action Plans (PAP), that are landscape protection, management and planning tools at the local (municipal) level. These tools allow the landscape to take part of Territorial and Urban development plans and processes. Within these PAP citizen participation and involvement is one of the most relevant aspects. Aware of this, the authors have been researching on this issue over the last three years, while working in five PAP. Techniques such as interviews with qualified agents, citizen surveys, participation workshops, EASW workshops and other activities delivered really good results and they also approach the theme of landscape to citizens. This paper presents used methods and the results obtained through these different techniques of citizen participation. It is observed that techniques such as interviews to qualified agents give good results and are very relevant at the beginning of the process. On the other hand, surveys have provided mediocre results while the workshops have resulted in promising and positive findings.