Al filo de la navajael País Vasco frente a la política educativa del Estado

  1. Dávila Balsera, Paulí
  2. Naya Garmendia, Luis María
  3. Zabaleta Imaz, Iñaki
La Constitución de Cádiz. Genealogía y desarrollo del sistema educativo liberal: XVII Coloquio Nacional de Historia de la Educación. Cádiz, 9-11 de julio de 2013
  1. Espigado Tocino, M. Gloria (dir. congr.)
  2. Gómez Fernández, Juan (ed. lit.)
  3. Pascua Sánchez, María José de la (ed. lit.)
  4. Sánchez Villanueva, Juan Luis (ed. lit.)
  5. Vázquez Domínguez, Carmen (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educación ; Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Cádiz

ISBN: 978-84-9828-437-9

Ano de publicación: 2013

Páxinas: 427-438

Congreso: Coloquio de Historia de la Educación (17. 2013. Cádiz)

Tipo: Achega congreso


During the 19th century, the Spanish liberal setting-up of the State endured an anomaly regarding the main historical features of the Basque provinces. As a consequence, this situation carried out the maintenance of the privileges until 1876. During this period the Basque provinces kept their political and administrative attributions, which included a certain control of the education in their territories. During the Restoration, the loss of the political attributions meant a series of cultural and political demands (an expression of the resistance against the homogenisation of the state), which would lead to the demand, in political terms, of an own education adapted to the linguistic and cultural features of the country. At the beginning of the 20th century, the emerging Basque nationalism would establish the basis for the construction of an own educational system. Until the 2nd Republic, an ideological conflict for the control of education will happen in the Basque Country. This conflict will be captured in terms of resistance against the imposition of the Spanish educational system, and proposals and new experiences to give expression to nationalist ideology. These experiences will have their highest expression with the arrival of the 2nd Republic, the Statute of Autonomy and the control of education by the Basque Government. These experiences will be frustrated with the arrival of the Civil War and the triumph of the Franco supporters' troops. The resistance and school new experiences couple will be re-considered during the last decades of Francoism with the emergence of the "ikastolas" and the Pedagogical Renewal Movements. The goal of this communication is to show that the construction of the Spanish educational system in the Basque Country has supposed a conflict in terms of their "own" linguistic and cultural claims. The last episode of this conflict is the 1978 Constitution, in which is explicitly recognised this differential fact.