Compliance verification methodology for renewable generation integration. Application to island power grids

  1. Etxegarai Madina, Agurtzane
Dirigée par:
  1. Esther Torres Iglesias Directrice
  2. Pablo Eguía López Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 14 juillet 2015

  1. Angel Javier Mazón Sainz-Maza President
  2. Oihane Abarrategui Ranero Secrétaire
  3. José Coto Aladro Rapporteur
  4. João Paulo da Silva Catalão Rapporteur
  5. Hortensia Amaris Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 119751 DIALNET lock_openADDI editor


This thesis proposes a new methodology to validate the integration of renewable generation to install in island power grids. In weak power grids, the penetration of non-synchronous power generation can be challenging. Furthermore, system operators often impose strict technical requirements. In order to streamline grid code compliance verification, this thesis presents a simulation based procedure focused on most critical rules in isolated power grids: Frequency Ride-Through, Low Voltage Ride-Through and voltage and current unbalance. The methodology presented in this thesis proposes a generic and reduced grid model as equivalent system suitable for both simulating the static and dynamic performance of a selected power system for interconnection and design purposes, and for verifying the compliance of aforementioned technical requirements. Depending on the disturbance to be represented and on sensitivity studies of the model parameters, the generic grid model must be then particularised, in order to obtain a particular grid model. Finally, the grid model has to be parameterised based on grid characteristics and grid code limits, resulting into a parameterised grid model. In the present thesis, the methodology is applied to three study cases, where the installation of a renewable power plant is under study: a medium size island grid, Terceira island in the A¿ores and Fuerteventura-Lanzarote system. The numerical application to these three study cases backs the validity of the methodology proposed in the present thesis.