La contribución de la universidad al desarrollo humano, bienestar y ciudadanía globaluna mirada cualitativa

  1. Artigas Lelong, Berta
Dirixida por:
  1. Francesca Salvà Mut Director
  2. Koldo Unceta Satrustegui Director
  3. Miquel Bennasar Veny Director

Universidade de defensa: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 18 de marzo de 2015

  1. Antoni Aguiló Pons Presidente/a
  2. Antoni Cladera Bohigas Secretario/a
  3. Silvia Arias Careaga Vogal
  4. María Dolores Martín Ríos Vogal
  5. Eduardo Bidaurratzaga Aurre Vogal

Tipo: Tese


In spite of the importance and contribution that research can have in the field of human development and education for development, evaluation and impact analysis of different programs in these fields are very poorly developed. Therefore, this study aims to provide an understanding of the impact that the development cooperation internship program (ppCUD) has on students of the UIB. This research, which was conducted in two consecutive stages, takes as its theoretical framework the critical social paradigm oriented towards Sen and Nussbaum’s capabilities approach. The first of its stages was a descriptive study that yielded a situational analysis of the program in the framework of Spanish universities. The second stage was a qualitative study which through biographical interviews has allowed us to analyze the program’s impact on and contribution to the students of the UIB. Thus, through the study results, it has been shown that the ppCUD is a program of formal university education, aimed at undergraduate students, generating opportunities so that by the means of meaningful, experiential learning, cognitive, procedural and attitudinal competencies are simultaneously acquired and developed, both for personal development and for technical and professional skills, linking human development and global citizenship knowledge and values to their different disciplinary areas, and therefore encouraging the development of a critical, transformative and emancipatory cosmopolitanism that characterizes global citizenship.