Ciudades en la Unión EuropeaProceso de integración, Política de Cohesión y gobernanza futura
- San Salvador del Valle Doistua, Roberto 1
- De Miranda Leschko, Geana 1
- Matovic, Milica 1
Universidad de Deusto
ISSN: 1130-8354
Ano de publicación: 2018
Título do exemplar: Política de cohesión y fondos estructurales de la Unión Europea: retos y perspectivas para el período post-2020
Número: 58
Páxinas: 99-129
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Cuadernos europeos de Deusto
The process of community integration and the cohesion policy of the European Union are mainly concerned with the state realities, protagonists of the process. However, the search for a harmonious development that reduces differences between regions is making its way onto the community agenda. From the text of the Treaty of Rome to the current Treaty of Lisbon, from the first document on regional policy in 1965, through the creation of the Structural Funds (1989) and Cohesion (1994), to the current INTERREG V program (2014), the Europe of the Regions has been consolidating its position in the Europe of the States. The cities, local authorities and municipalities will have to wait until 1994, in the wake of the Treaty of Maastricht, to achieve a space within the complex framework of the Union. From the first URBAN (1994) to the Amsterdam Pact and the 2020 Urban Agenda (2016), cities have been gaining prominence in community multi-governance. At present, the challenges of the Union are, in large part, the challenges facing its cities. We are facing the challenge of a Europe of Cities within the framework of glocal governance.
Información de financiamento
and PhD candidate in the Leisure, Culture and Communication for Human Development program. She has a degree in Spanish Language and Hispanic Literatures from the University of Belgrade and has a Master’s Degree in Leisure Project Management from the University of Deusto.For both Master’s and Doctorate studies, she enjoyed a scholarship granted by the European Commission that facilitated her academic stay at Sapieza University in Rome. Her interests are centered in the field of urban studies, creative cities and cultural strategies for sustainable urban development. All this led her to participate in different events and projects among which stand out: Habitat III Conference in Ecuador, Annual Meeting of the UNESCO Network of Creative Cities in Sweden, EU World Cities in South Africa, UNESCO Zapopan Forum 2017, etc.Financiadores
- European Commission European Union
Referencias bibliográficas
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