Vegetación del Pirineo occidental y NavarraVI Excursión Internacional de Fitosociología (AEFA)

  1. Rivas Martínez, Salvador
  2. Báscones Carretero, Juan Carlos
  3. Díaz González, Tomás Emilio
  4. Fernández González, Federico
  5. Loidi Arregui, Javier José
Itinera geobotanica

ISSN: 0213-8530

Datum der Publikation: 1991

Nummer: 5

Seiten: 5-456

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Itinera geobotanica


A phytosociological review of the plant communities of Western Pyrenees and Navarra (Spain and France) has been performed to serve as geobotanical guide of the VI International Excursion of Phytosociology. It contains: 1. Geological and edaphological synopsis of this territory, accompanied by two original maps and one table of relationships between vegetation units and types of soils. 2. Bioclimatology of Western Pyrenees and Navarra, including tables of synoptical data of climate and bioclimate, pluviothermic diagrams of 76 meteorological stations situated in the territory or in ncighbouring areas, and one map illustrating the distribution of the thermotypes recognized. 3. Biogeographical typology of Western Pyrenees and Navarra, including one map, descriptions of the biogeographical sectors rccognized and ecological and biogeographical diagnoses of the Pyrenean endemic taxa. 4. Synopsis of the vegetation series recognized in Western Pyrenees, Navarra and neighbouring arcas, including as well one map. 5. Itinerary of the VI International Excursion of Phytosociology and catenal diagrams, illustrations and descriptions about the vegetal landscape and the plant communities that will be studied in each one of the selected localities of the itinerary. 6. Phytosociological classification and typology of the plant communities of Western Pyrenees and Navarra. 40 vegetation classes have been recorded and monographied in this tcrritory, with an amount of 235 associations. All recognized syntaxa have been briefly described and thcir character species present in the territory indicated. Floristic composition of 124 associations is expressed in 83 phytosociological tables assembling more than 2650 relevés, 641 of them being publishcd now for the first time. The new syntaxa proposed are referred in chapter 6a (pages 189-201). Finally, a bibliographical compilation about the vegetation of Navarra and Pyrenees (8) and a phytosociologincial index (9) close the work.